THE AHPR are pleased to announce a new strategic alliance with the Canine Arthritis Management
The Canine Arthritis Management (CAM) is a veterinary driven online resource aimed at caregivers of dogs with arthritis, as well as professionals working in the field of canine welfare and pain management.
CAM aims to change the fact that arthritis is one of the major causes of elective euthanasia in dogs in the UK and across the world. By educating caregivers and professionals about the disease and the earlier recognition of pain in dogs, arthritis can be better tackled to give our dogs longer, healthier, and more comfortable lives.
CAM believes in an evidence-based approach to ensure professionals and caregivers have the most clinically effective and up to date knowledge to diagnose, treat and manage canine arthritis. CAM provides a range of resources to help caregivers and professionals gain comprehensive knowledge on the recognition and multimodal management of arthritis.
CAM aims to achieve #YourDogMoreYears by raising awareness of arthritis in dogs, identifying signs to allow for early diagnosis, and advocating for a multi-modal management of this disease
You can find out more, access their resources and information on canine arthritis by visiting their website. https://caninearthritis.co.uk/
Social media icons – link through
FB https://www.facebook.com/CAMarthritis
Twitter https://twitter.com/CAMarthritis
IG https://www.instagram.com/canine_arthritis/
You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/CanineArthritisManagement