Why Join AHPR?

The Animal Health Professions Register (AHPR) aims to raise standards within animal health professions and provide a comprehensive register of appropriately qualified practitioners to enable the general public and the veterinary profession to select the right treatment and a well-qualified practitioner for their animals.

In 2020 the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Legislation advised “Veterinary Surgeons should ensure, before delegation (for treatment), that they are confident that the musculoskeletal therapist is appropriately qualified and competent; indicators can include membership of a voluntary register with associated standards of education and conduct, supported by a disciplinary process”

AHPR fulfils all these indicators. By registering with the AHPR you can demonstrate your dedication to maintaining high academic and practical skills and therefore ultimately improving animal health and welfare.

The AHPR will represent you to important organisations such as the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) and DEFRA. The AHPR also communicates with insurance companies to ensure they are aware of the professional nature of our registrants and make sure the register is promoted in the media.

Applying to AHPR

Annual renewal of registration to AHPR is on 1st July in 2025. Any applications received from 1st January 2025 will be eligible for a 25% discount. The usual application fee is paid and the discount will be applied to the final payment.

Application via Recognition of Prior Learning / Experiential Learning (RPL / RPEL), also known as grandfathering, is available for applications where they qualified before the following dates.

  • Animal / Veterinary Physiotherapy 1st April 2020
  • Animal Chiropractic & Manipulation 1st June 2020
  • Sports Therapy & Massage 1st November 2020

Application via RPL/RPEL route is currently open for the Hydrotherapy subgroup until 1st November 2022.


If the course you completed is accredited by AHPR you can apply by direct entry

If the course you completed is not accredited by AHPR you will need to apply by Recognition of Prior Learning / Experiential Learning (RPL / RPEL)