Animal Sports Therapy and Massage
Blank Sports Therapy and Massage Day One Competencies Form
To apply via RPL/RPEL, please send the below to along with a payment of £75 to AHPR by BACS (details are on the application form).
- Completed RPL / RPEL Application form (make sure you tick the CPD box on the application form unless you have newly qualified in the last year. AHPR will carry out audits of CPD). This form is available for download below.
- A copy of your liability insurance certificate.
- A copy of a letter from a Veterinary Surgeon with whom you regularly work in a professional capacity related to your subgroup registration.
- If you have been working / qualified for more than one year you will need to submit an up-to-date Curriculum vitae (CV).
- Completed day one competencies form. A blank copy is available for download below (if you have completed an approved historical course, you do NOT need to complete this document).
Once the application is approved the Registrar will contact you requesting payment of £40 as the remainder of the annual Registration fee.
If the assessor of your application needs more evidence that you meet the Day One Competencies you will be contacted by the Registrar detailing what is required.
If your application is not successful and you wish to appeal the decision you can make an appeal. You can find the appeals process here: AHPR Appeals Process.